Safelink Wireless is a Tracfone brand and is probably the most well-known out of all Lifeline Assistance providers. It is the oldest and largest company that participates in free government phone assistance and provides free phones and cheap or free cell service to qualifying customers in certain states.

Like Assurance Wireless and other providers, Safelink Wireless is only available in certain states. If Safelink is not available near you, the Lifeline program will use another cell phone company to offer discounted phone service. Safelink Wirless is currently active in the following states:

How To Have an Affordable Cellular Plan With Safelink Wireless

Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Connecticut, DC, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin

Safelink offers the below benefits for free to customers who sign up for their services through Lifeline Assistance:

  • Unlimited voice minutes
  • Unlimited texts
  • 500MB of data
  • Free smartphone

Like Assurance Wireless, Safelink also offers cheap upgrades to their free plans.

Something to remember about Safelink and any other other Lifeline Assistance provider is that they only provide one free phone per household. This is because the government only allows one member of each household to participate in Lifeline Assistance. While this could be seen as a downside of the program, a positive aspect of these cell phone providers is that they often offer a selection of smart phones to choose from. Just because your cell phone is free does not mean it has to be old fashioned.

If you qualify for Lifeline Assistance, you are allowed to change your service provider at any time so it is important to make sure that you are getting the most optimal deal for your needs. Discover another Lifeline provider below.

By Admin