Assurance Wireless is a phone service company that is owned by Sprint. While Assurance is not the first company to participate in Lifeline Assistance it is rapidly growing in popularity, probably in part to its wide availability. Assurance Wireless is available in some states, while in others, you will need to find a different provider.

Below, you can find out if Assurance Wireless is available where you live. Assurance Wireless provides free phones and cheap or free cellular service to Lifeline Assistance members who live in the following states:

How Assurance Wireless Can Help You Save

Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin.

All phone companies who participate in Lifeline Assistance must offer their customers at least:

  • 1000 minutes of cell phone usage
  • A data plan with mobile internet speed of 3G or better 
  • 4.5 GB of data per month
  • Speed of 25/3 Mbps and usage of at least 1024 GB per month for home internet

In addition to offering these minimums, Assurance Wireless also provides the below benefits to their customers:

  • No Annual Contract
  • Voicemail Account, Calling Waiting, Caller ID
  • 911 Access
  • Free calls to customer service
  • Free unlimited calls to 211

Plus, if you need more minutes or data than what Assurance provides for free, you can add onto your plan for the below inexpensive rates:

For extra minutes:

  • $5 for 250 additional voice minutes each month
  • 10¢ each additional voice minute

For additional data:

  • $1 for 100MB data for 30 service days
  • $3 for 500MB data for 30 service days
  • $5 for 1GB data for 30 service days
  • $10 for 2GB data for 30 service days
  • $20 for 4GB data for 30 service days
  • $30 for 5GB data for 30 service days

Compare Assurance Wireless to another Lifeline Assistance provider, learn about Safelink Wireless on the next slide.

By Admin